Cyber Maintenance Club

Holders receive lifetime access to the CMC and all of its programs.

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As a Cyber Maintenance Club Member, users will be able to Access & Manage their Cyber Maintenance benefits. This NFT will serve as proof of maintenance and service to validate NFwarranTy Status.

Possibly the biggest benefit of this program is the elimination of the Personal Data Silos that contractors are currently managing (which are vulnerable to attacks). The ZipDAPP allows the contractor to access relevant information and collect payments without exposing personal information to potential hacker attacks. *As a side note, many homeowners currently feel trapped in their relationship with their HVAC contractor because switching providers could result in a loss of maintenance records and warranty validation issues. This NFT eliminates that concern... Simply unZip from the current provider and Zip into the new provider. -> The new provider will receive access to the relevant records and the previous provider will have their access revoked.

Last updated